Q.Will My Foil Wrapped Store Bought Daisies Bloom Again?
Will my foil wrapped daisies ever bloom again? They are flourishing. They came 4 to a pot, very small. They are now about 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall and 1 1/2 feet wide. Also, I thought daisies were a bulb plant (shows what I know). These are not. Help??
Unfortunately, most blooming ''presentation'' plants are usually difficult and/or unlikely to be restored to their original beauty. They are intended to be enjoyed during the blooming period and discarded. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't plant them outside to see if they will bloom later, but usually, it isn't worth the effort. Most chrysanthemums, gerbera daises and similar beauties are breed, grown by chemical manipulation and ''packaged'' to fit certain criteria, and that doesn't include garden performance.