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Fig Tree

Q.Will My Figs Still Ripen After Our First Freeze

Zone Anadarko,Oklahoma | maryderichsweiler added on October 21, 2020 | Answered

My fig tree is only 3 years old and this is the first year to have figs on it. It is still green and so are the figs.How do I help it keep the figs and hopefully ripen them? Here in Oklahoma our first freeze will be Saturday and Sunday. What should I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 21, 2020

There are a lot of factors to consider, here. The most important will be determining what type of Fig that you have. This will determine if you need more than one tree, or need to take action to prevent winter damage.

If you know that this is a type of Fig that is suited for your area, and the figs are being pollinated, then they may not be quite old enough to bear fruit properly. This is common with trees that have not had several years to establish.

Since this is the first year that your tree has had anything on it at all, I would say that it will be a couple more years before you see your first harvest.

as of right now, you may not get a ripe fruit. There is no harm in trying, but the freeze is likely to get them.

Should they start to decay, you can take them off. If you would like to try for at least a fig or two, then there is no harm in leaving them.

Here are some articles that will help:



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