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Foxglove Plants

Q.Will foxglove seedlings grown in the ground survive winter in zone 5-6?

Zone Malden, MA Zone 5 or 6 | Anonymous added on September 21, 2020 | Answered

I sewed foxglove seeds in my garden this past spring (I live in eastern MA, zone 5-6). Its now late September and I have closely clustered seedlings with 2 or 4 leaves on them. I’d like to separate them and spread them throughout the garden. Will small 4-leafed seedlings survive a winter outdoors? Should I pot them up and grow them inside until next spring? Everything I’ve read about growing foxglove from seed outdoors made it sound as if I would have full-sized plants by now (w/ no flowers this first year of course). I guess I’m a slow grower! 😉

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 26, 2020

Your plants should be much bigger by now. I would dig them up and plant them in a container with potting soil and grow them inside in a sunny location.

Before you plant them outside in the spring, add some compost to the ground. It's possible the soil is very clayey and preventing the roots from growing.


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