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Cypress Trees

Q.Will cypress recover?

Anonymous added on June 23, 2015 | Answered

We have a very old cypress ( 50 years?) That is about 30 feet high. 7 years ago a raised bed was put around it, burying the base of the trunk for 24 inches. Now the tree looks unhealthy with some brown spots. If the dirt is pulled away from the base, will the tree recover?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2015

If it has been 7 years since was done, it is likely not the cause of the current problem. Unfortunately, it is very hard to diagnose tree problems without examining the tree. If you can, I would recommend having a local tree expert come and look at the tree. If this is not possible, then treat the tree with both a fungicide and a pesticide. This would treat a significant number of issues that could be causing the problem. This is your best bet if you cannot have someone examine the tree.

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