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Catmint Plants

Q.Will Catmint Grow Near A Black Walnut Tree?

Zone Pleasant Ridge, MI. 48069 | Anonymous added on July 9, 2022 | Answered

There’s also a Tree of Heaven (Hell) nearby.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 15, 2022

Here are some references with more information. I couldn't find an authoritative source that said catmint would grow fine, but I didn't find it on the "avoid" lists either. I did see one post from a gardener who said his didn't grow near a black walnut tree. These lists below are not all inclusive so you could go ahead and try it. To be safe, you can grow it in a raised bed with new soil. Of course, the Tree of Heaven was on the OK to grow list.

One source below says most plants will do fine. Hope this helps:




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