Q.Will An 8 Year Old 14 Ft Sour Sap Cut To 2 Ft Tall Bear Fruit Again This Summer?
Our sour sap started producing 8 to 12fruits this year summertime but pruned as short as 2 ft tall. Looks like a new planted sour sap tree.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
With a severe pruning like this, your tree may need a period of time to stabilize. If it looks healthy at 2 feet and is growing a new canopy, there's a slight chance it will bear fruit, but I wouldn't plan on it for a year or two, maybe longer. A rule of thumb is to prune only one-third of a tree at a time. This article may be helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/damage-from-over-pruning.htm