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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Will a maple Japanese suit my location?

Zone Ireland Zone 7-10 | c4th4l added on July 18, 2019 | Answered

Hi all.

I have been looking at Japanese maples for a while and would love to plant one in my garden. The location I would like to plant it takes a lot of shade. It a small bed up against a north-facing wall. Have a look at my picture attached. The red arrow is where I want to plant it. The blue line in the photo is where direct sunlight hits the garden in peak summer for a few hours. The sunsets behind large trees in the back. It’s about 4 PM in July when that photo was taken. Also, the wall is about 8 feet tall.

Will a Japanese maple live ok in that location if I was to plant one there? I have an “Orange Dream” Japanese maple seedling and would love it will fit nicely there with no problems.

Any help would be awesome.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 18, 2019

I cant see a photo so here is a screenshot encase no one else can see it.. http://prntscr.com/ogytzi

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