Q.Wild Violets
I have a mass of wild violets that started growing under a bush we had. The bush has since died. The violets,however,are still thriving. The problem is that there are a lot of weeds that have started growing up in the violets. There are too many to pull. We live in North East Ohio. The violet leaves are starting to turn a little yellow/brown. The flowers have been gone since early summer. Would it be alright to mow off the weeds and the violet plants without killing the plants for next spring and summer. How high should they be mowed off if they can. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Wild violets are pretty tough, and they often grow among grass even in mowed lawns, so I think they will not be harmed by mowing to a typical height you would mow grass to, like 2-3 inches. Also, to keep the weed population from increasing, even if you can't pull all the weeds try to remove the weeds that are flowering before they go to seed.