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Wisteria Vines

Q.Will Wisteria Survive a Misting System?

Zone 9 | myunker added on April 22, 2012 | Answered

I am trying to establish a wisteria on a steel trellis system here in Sacramento. Needless to say the steel gets so hot that it burns the wisteria so my growth rate is very slow. Once it can cover the trellis it should be fine. . . but getting it to do so is the challenge. To cool it off I would like to install a misting system for the afternoon hours. Do you believe this will help or hurt?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 29, 2012

It may help cool the bars, but it could encourage fungus to develop on the plant. On the other hand, with it being so hot, the water could evaporate before the fungus had a chance to settle in.

I would say that it is worth trying. Wisteria are pretty hardy, so if a fungus were to develop, in most cases the worst it would do is make the plant look a bit unsightly until the fungus was treated.

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