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Squash Plants

Q.Why Zucchini and Summer Squash Dying

Anonymous added on July 26, 2011 | Answered

My zucchini (and this year I added summer squash) dried up and died after a good start. The tomatoes next to them are fine. Do you know why? Also, beetles on the roses are very persistant. What works best for that?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 27, 2011

Do you live where the weather is hot? Squash like cooler temps. Mine die out about this time of year. Also, have you seen any sign of squash borers? Tomatoes are ripening right now in my garden, and Jap Beetles are eating my roses, too. I keep a bottle of spray made up and go out every day and if I find them, they get sprayed. Also, you can take a bucket of soapy water with you and just knock them into the bucket and they will drown. Hope this helps. Luciee

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