Q.Why won’t my peony bloom
My grandmother’s formerly blooming peony was moved to my house 5 years ago. It has beautiful green leaves but no buds at all. We have sandy, acidic soil which I think is good for it. It’s in half to full sun. I planted it at the correct depth in potting soil the first fall. Then I added bloom booster one spring with no results. Last fall I added sheep manure and a ton of egg shells. Then in the spring I added bone meal. No buds again! It’s curious though, the sheep manure produced a ton of cover, which I think adds nitrogen. Perhaps, the phosphorus in the bone meal got over taken by the nitrogen in the clover?? What do you recommend?

Moving the peonies can stop the blooming for quite some time. We moved old established plants here when we moved in 5 years ago and just the last two years are the plants recovering.
I do think they may be heavy with Nitrogen. Adding phosphorous should help.
Here is a link that has more information.