Q.why there is sap on my peaches?
My peach tree is 3 yrs. old. This is the first year it has bloomed. Last year a tree from the side mt. topped it. We live in WV where it warmed early but cool nights. This morning I found what looks like sap on the peaches. The size of the peaches are about the size of a pea.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This time of year, dripping sap is not actually sap, but honeydew from a pest infestation. It is likely aphids or scale. These pests also reduce the ability of the tree to produce fruit. Treat the tree with an insecticide. I like neem oil myself. It is organic, safe for people and pets and also treats other undiagnosed problems the tree may have. Here is more information:
Another possibility is peach borers. This article will help if this is the problem: