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Weigela Shrubs

Q.Why my weigela doesn’t bloom

Zone Zone 9 | Paulaschwartz added on May 1, 2015 | Answered

The plant has the requirements with water, soil. But no blooms. It’s trimmed annually and is approximately 7 years old.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2015

Has your weigela ever bloomed over the seven years? Do you fertilize your weigela? Is it in full sun or shade? Is the weigela healthy looking otherwise?

Tell me more about how you trim it annually. What time of year do you trim? Weigela blooms on one year old wood. Pruning spring flowering shrubs such as weigela in the fall or winter months can remove flowering wood with buds.

Another reason could be winter dieback which could have negatively impacted the buds that had developed prior to the onset of winter.

For more information on the care of weigela, please visit the following links:


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