Q.Vitex tree doesn’t take the heat
I bought this tree because I think it is absolutely beautiful and I made sure before buying it that it was the right choice for full sun because there is no shade in my backyard yet. It was doing good until the heat took over, and it is not summer yet! In the morning, it looks fine but by 5 pm, the time when finally the sun goes down over it, it looks all wilted. Because of this, the leaves are smaller and it looks skimpy. There’s no place to move it because of the lack of shade. The only thing would be to dig it up and place it in a very big pot in the patio were it can get some shade. Can it be grown in a pot? Why is this happening? Shouldn’t it be very heat resistant?

Please understand that this plant will begin to decline if root-bound in an insufficiently sized pot. Growth and flowers will become less abundant. Does far better in the ground where its roots can spread and give you a tree with lots of beauty! I live in the desert... Phoenix AZ, and speak from experience. The more sun the better. And WATER when you see she needs it. Be well!

Yep! I agree. One of the great characteristics of this plant is that it will always let you know how it feels. Wilting is a clear sign that it begs for water. Just keep your eye out for signals that it needs water (watering it deeply), and give it time to establish itself in its new home. You will be rewarded with a tree that will make you smile with its flowers! Good luck!

How have you been watering it? While the chaste tree is said to be heat and drought tolerant, it does need to be regularly watered until it's well established. I believe your tree will perk up with an increased watering schedule.
The chaste tree can be grown in a container should you decide to pursue that route.
I would also recommend reviewing the care plan for the vitex tree at the link below and double-check that your location and soil meet the tree's requirements: