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Desert Rose Plants

Q.Why My 2 Month Old Adenium Plant\\\’s Leaves Started To Become Yellow And Withering? ?

Zone Indonesia , jakarta | Celineruslim added on July 14, 2020 | Answered

Please tell me what should i do to my plants, and what make them became like that. What should i do so things like this would never happen again. I will post the picture of my adenium with some kind of problems. Please help me, thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 15, 2020

These are classic symptoms of overwatering. This plant is very drought tolerant, and will not tolerate wet soils, or soils that remain saturated for too long.

From here, you will need a fungicide. Here is an article that will help:


Proper care of the plant will be paramount to its survival. This article will help you with the plant's care:


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