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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Why is my zucchini dying after it grows about 2″ long?

Zone Northern Virginia | live2dive45 added on June 18, 2014 | Answered

I have many flowers on my zucchini and yellow squash plants and when they start to bear fruit they shrivel up and die.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 18, 2014

Aha! I know this problem...and I have the solution! You have to become an early-riser, #1. Sounds like you have no pollination. If you aren't seeing bees all over your flowering plants, then you and do the job of pollinating the female plants yourself. The blossoms which form on the end of a singular long stem are the male blossoms. The blossoms which form on the tiny baby zucchinis are the female blossoms. You're going to use a clean, tiny brush (like a soft eye-shadow brush) to gather pollen from the male blossom and gently apply it to the female blossom. You can contact me at hopescholl@gmail.com with questions on specifics. Happy to help!

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