Q.Why Is My Tomato Stalk Soggy ? And How Can I Get My Grapefruit Tree To Grow Faster?
The tomato plant all of sudden went from strong stalk to soggy and it didn’t get extra water, and my grapefruit tree is a year old and hadn’t gotten more than the original 3 leaves.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That could be stem rot on your tomato, which is an environmental problem. You say it wasn't overwatered, so perhaps the drainage is poor. Do you have mulch right up against the stem? If so, move it back 3 or 4 inches. When you water, instead of watering at the stem, water back several inches from the stem where the roots are in young plants.
Here are tips for growing grapefruit. See if you are following the recommended care, i.e., proper water, fertilization and temperature.