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Summer Squash Plants

Q.Summer Squash Shriveling Up Before Done

Mrsbrivera added on May 11, 2011 | Answered

Why is my summer squash shriveling up before it is fully done? I have planted a yellow squash in a very big water trough. The leaves are very big and I have many squash flowers. Before they become fully yellow, they shrivel up and start to wither. They still have green on the bottom of the squash. We water them at least twice a day because of the hot weather. I live in San Antonio, TX. I have zucchini growing near them but not overcrowding. Can you help me with this problem?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 15, 2011

This is a pollination issue. If the flower is not well pollinated or not pollinated at all, the fruit will not fully forma and will shrivel and die. You may need to hand pollinate. These articles will help:

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