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Q.Why is my new Inca Lily turning yellow?

Zone 6 | liss added on June 25, 2012 | Answered

A few weeks ago I purchased a new tangerine, Tango Inca Lily plant from a good nursery. It has been in the ground about 3 weeks. The leaves are starting to yellow. Not all, but some. Am I watering it too much?? I am hoping you will have the answer for me. . I don’t want to lose this plant. Please advise and thanks so much!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 26, 2012

The plant may be suffering from transplant shock since it's newly planted. It will need time to acclimate to the new environment. I would make sure it has plenty of water and even a dose of fertilizer (at half strength). More often than not, plants will recover from this on their own.

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Answered on June 26, 2012

Thaks so much!! Really appreciate your response.. have been watering it and I just noticed it is getting some buds on it.. Hopefully, it will be fine. again..Thank you!!

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