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Dracaena Plants

Q.Why is my Madagascar Dragon Tree Dying?

Zone 10987 | Anonymous added on April 23, 2020 | Answered

Hi, I have a Madagascar Dragon Tree that is very fickle. When I purchased it, the tree was very tall (about 6 feet w/ 3 limbs) and had lots of leaves pointing upwards. However, 6 months after purchase many of the leaves started to drop, and turn brown (dead) at the tips. It also looks like the tree as a whole started to shrink a little too (but that might be because there are less leaves. I thought maybe The air is too dry and it’s not getting enough water. So I moved it away further away from a vent that was about 4 to 5ft away. I also sprayed it occasionally with distilled water. It seemed to be doing better. But even with spraing mist on it and moving it the tips would still turn brown. I’m constantly trimming the tips.

A month ago I decided to water it after a few weeks of not. I watered it pretty good. A few days later the leaves turned yellow. And yes, I have proper drainage.

So what’s the deal.? Why is this thing so hard to keep healthy and grow (not die)?

Here are some questions I have:

1) Based on the description and photos attached, does it look like my tree is getting too much or too little water?
2) Can dried-up shriveled branches regrow leaves? What should I do with them?
3) Can I put a plastic pot with drainage holes in a plastic bag that catches any leaking water?


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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2020
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