Q.Why Are My Lime Tree’s Leaves Turning a Bit Brown?
We had a cold spell for two straight days in our area, so I covered my lime tree with an old sheet at the top of the tree, and an old thicker blanket at the base of the tree. We had lots of wind the first night, so I had to tie string around the top area of my tree to help keep the blanket on but by the second night the winds had diminished. I removed the top sheet during the daytime but left the blanket around the base. The temps remained in the 40’s 50’s during the daytime but then dropped in the 20’s in the evenings. The leaves that were green have now turned a bit brown but not completely dried out. It’s only been in the ground for one week and I have tried not to overwater it. Only have watered it two times. I haven’t fertilized it yet so I’m wondering if that would help, and if so, then what kind of fertilizer would you suggest? I also have a lemon tree planted next to my lime tree and it wasn’t affected at all by the cold weather. Also, when is the best time to prune your fruit trees? Thank you in advance!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would suspect that it is underwatered. It is really hard to overwater a newly planted tree. I would increase the water to the tree and for the first 2 weeks, water daily and then for 2-3 months after that, weekly.
The cold weather may also be causing some damage. The tree is young and has not been acclimated to the outdoor conditions yet. While your lemon tree is well established and use to the area you live in. Until the lime tree is established, it will need extra protection.
This article will help you with pruning your lime (and the same rules apply to lemons: