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Q.Why Is My Indoor Sago Palm Planted in What Seems to Be Cemented Gravel?

onaema added on October 25, 2011 | Answered

Why is my indoor sago palm in what seems like cemented gravel?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2011

Many retailers, when selling plants, are not overly concerned with what will happen to the plant once the purchaser takes it home. The plant is indeed glued into gravel because the company selling it found that it looked nice, but this is harmful to the plant. If you want to keep this plant long term, you will need to try to remove the glue and gravel, but often this can be difficult to do without harming or killing the plant. There is not much advice that I can give you on removing the gravel. No one I know has found a good method for doing so.

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