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Fig Tree

Q.why is my fig tree not bearing fruit

Zone 7 | Anonymous added on July 25, 2016 | Answered

I purchased a fig tree two years ago and have it in a pot on my patio. Last year I transplanted it into a bigger pot before the winter season and then during the winter I kept it inside my garage. Needles to say, I know I didn’t water it enough and so the ends of some of the branches got a red color and have no leaves. When it was warm enough this year I took it out and it has been growing fine(except for those few branches that died). The issue is, now it’s not bearing any fruit. Last year it managed to make one little fig but this year, nothing. I’m wondering if I’m watering it too much because a couple leaves are yellow. Do you think it would do better if I just planted it in the ground? I’ve seen other fig trees growing in the ground in this area that are very healthy. I live in Germany and aside from this summer (which has been very hot), it is usually fairly mild here.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 25, 2016

Yellowing leaves is generally a sign of a watering issue, either to much or to little. Make sure the soil is damp but not soggy. If the temperatures are above 85 degrees you may need to increase watering to twice a day.

Here are a few links with care information.

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