Q.endless hydrangea not flowering
Why is my endless hydrangea not flowering? Even if I cut it back or not, it will only make one flower at the bottom of the plant.
Young Endless Summer Hydrangea should not be pruned. Let them mature and become established.
Dead head the flowers throughout the summer. Cut the spent flower off at the leaf node just under the flower.
If you plant is more mature, do not prune the old branches from the plant until the leaves have all began to push through the ground and are full size.
Lack of flowers is generally too much sun, improper watering and over fertilizing.
Moist not wet soil and only fertilize once in spring or early summer.
Too much nitrogen will inhibit flowering.
You may want to do a soil test. A boost of phosphorous can encourage flowers. Bone Meal is a good way to add phosphorous.
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