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Elephant Ear Plants

Q.Why is my elephant ear plant turning yellow?

Zone SW Virginia | mwengineer added on July 29, 2015 | Answered

1. Its still in the pot, I plan to plant it tomorrow.

2. I think I have fertilized it 2 times with organic 6-2-2.

3 I keep it watered well.

Any ideas?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 30, 2015

Yellowing leaves generally indicate a watering issue. Either to much to to little.

It may have also been to much fertilizer. They usually do fine without fertilizer and a slow release formula is best.

Go ahead and get it planted out and continue care. Watch the watering to make sure it has daily watering but well draining soil so the roots don't set in soggy soil.
2 to 3 inches of hardwood mulch can help with moisture retention but keep it away from the base of the plant.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care.


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