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Q.Why Is My Dumb Cane Not Producing New Leaves All Of A Sudden?

Zone San Ignacio, Belize | pudu added on December 2, 2020 | Answered

I have several indoor dumbcanes through filtered and indoor lights.ive had some for over a year, and one of them has stopped producing new leaves. There’s also a baby one which I don’t know why it doesn’t grow in the longest. Do I need to repot with richer soil? It has plant food . Third one is great, has huge leaves, but the last two leaves are smaller. How can I keep them big an healthy? They are in good fertilized soil from the botanical garden. Fourth one is tall. Finally growing a new leaf after ages! Don’t know what triggered it, was gonna ask last week if I should chop it and replant. I love dumb csnes cuz they are so resilient and they bring fresh air! Beautiful huge leaves ! Pls help me keep my ones strong and healthy 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 3, 2020

They can be slow growing, by nature. If it doesn't get fertilized every two months or more, then it will likely grow much slower. I would say that feeding them will help to speed them up just a little. This article will help you to care for the plant:


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