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Q.Why is my dieffenbachia’s leaves look like they’re starting too shrill shrivel?

Zone 30710 & i think zone 7 | Jennifer Blankenship added on February 2, 2019 | Answered

I just bought it & it’s moist & not too sweet, not in a lot of sun.. I dnt understand.. I’m also, just learning about succulents in the house..
P la help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 3, 2019

Droopy leaves can indicate too little water. Your image also shows brown tip of the leave which could be uneven watering or excess salts; over fertilizing or watering with conditioned water.
This article will refresh you on the care needed.

I believe your succulents and Jade plant may be overwatered. The soil looks dark and may not be draining properly.
This link will help you with succulent care.


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