Q.Why are my Delphinium plants growing with deformed blooms and are stunted in size?
My Delphiniums were huge and gorgeous but this year they didn’t get any taller than 12-18 inches tall. Some of them flowered with deformed looking blooms and containing more of a greenish tint than their original beautiful colors. I don’t know what to do or what is going on with them. HELP!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you have fed them this year, then it is likely that the feed contained too much nitrogen. If you have not fed them, then I would be looking to phosphorus and potassium deficiencies.
They are also particular about the pH of their soil. This should be neutral to slightly alkaline. Acidic soil will lock out phosphorus and potassium to the plant.
Alternatively, if you are also noticing brown spotting, then it could be a fungal infection.
This article will help you to grow the plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/delphinium/growing-delphinium-plants.htm