Q.Why Is My Cyclamen Draining Black Water From Its Pot?
The cyclamen is not overwatered but it drains black water from the pot that has stained the patio. Not even pressure washing gets the stain off completely. The cyclamen is healthy and has even flowered in August in Georgia. I’ve kept cyclamens for a long time and can often keep one alive through the seasons for 2-4 years. I use the same brand of potting soil in all of my containers and I never had a plant do this. I have not used fertilizer in this plant. Should I repot? I’m afraid that might kill the plant but I’ve got to get this black runoff to stop. I could set the pot at the edge of the lawn but it is under the patio roof now where it gets indirect sun and is protected from GA thunderstorms. Thank you.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Could it be the container and not the soil? The container is dark gray.