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Coffee Plants

Q.Why is my coffeeberry plant losing leaves and looking like it’s about to die?

Zone 91001 | Anonymous added on September 22, 2020 | Answered

In 2015 our backyard was landscaped with drought tolerant plants and an irrigation system. Two rhamnus californicas were planted. I have never seen blossoms or berries on either one. The one that gets more sun looks better, at least it has a good quantity of green leaves. The one that is mostly in shade has leaves that continuously turn yellow and fall off and many small dead branches. Your description of how easy they are to grow makes me wonder what is wrong with ours. Should we feed them? Any suggestions or recommendations are greatly appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 26, 2020

Your plants that are shaded may not be getting enough sunlight, or perhaps they're not draining well. Your soil should have a pH of 4.2 to 6.0. If the plants in the sun are doing well and the others are not, that may be the answer to your question. If you think there's something more critical, you may want to contact your local agricultural extension service for more help. Here's a link:


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