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Clivia Plants

Q.Why Is My Clivia Blooming In September, And Why Are The Blooms At The Base Of The Leaves Instead Of On A Stalk?

Zone Leesburg VA 20175 | Anonymous added on September 6, 2024 | Answered

This plant is about 15 years old and gets repotted every 3 years or so. It is quite healthy and produces new leaves regularly. The last time it bloomed, the flowers were produced nested at the base of the leaves and crammed in there. It did not produce a flower stalk. The same thing is happening this time around. Also, this is an indoor plant and I live in northern Virginia. Everything I read says it typically blooms in February or March so why is mine blooming in September? Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 8, 2024

They can rebloom, and you may have provided the right conditions such as being rootbound and a cooler, drier environment. If it wasn't quite ready to rebloom, this could account for the short stalks. It also could be something has changed in its routine care or environment and has interrupted its bloom cycle.

These growing tips should help:



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