Q.Why Is My China Doll Looking Sad :(
When I first purchased my China Doll it was very lush. I placed it by a patio window but was very shaded so it didn’t get enough light and the leaves fell off severely. A friend suggested putting it by my kitchen window because it’s south facing. For a short while it seemed to like it there. It began to shoot up new growth.
But, after a few months I noticed that the branches and the leaves are starting to point down as opposed to before when they were sticking out (like a tree). It just looks sad or maybe like it wants to hide. . . Could it be because the location is getting too much sun and it’s too hot? I know it is suggested that it will thrive in bright indirect light.
My kitchen window however gets a lot of sun that penetrates the window. I try to turn the window blinds up so it’ll block the direct sun my China Doll is getting. My friend also suggested not watering too often and letting the soil dry out between watering like every two weeks.
Could this all be a factor to my “sad and depressed” China Doll? It still seems to be getting new growth so I am a bit confused why it all of a sudden is doing this droopy thing/ curling down on me. Thank you for any suggestions. . . .

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
China doll plants should be kept moist and in bright indirect light. It does sound like there is an issue with the roots though. It is possible it has root rot. These articles may be helpful to you: