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Calamondin Trees

Q.Why is my Calamondin not flowering?

Zone Uk | Anonymous added on January 16, 2020 | Answered

I bought my Calamondin a few months ago. It already had fruit on it. I have had a couple of spurts of leaf growth but no flowering, also the leaves that have grown are bigger than those that the plant came with so I have a mixture of large and small leaves on the plant. Also while a couple of oranges have dropped off, I haven’t picked any even though they are clearly ripe, am I supposed to pick them as they ripen? Also I’ve had no new flowers since I’ve bought it. please advise, not sure how to care for this.

ps i live in the uk

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 17, 2020

The larger leaves are probably a result of fertilization and/or more water, light or other change in growing conditions. (Although beware of suckers growing up from below the graft at the base of the tree tunk. Suckers are from the root stock and should be removed.) High nitrogen fertilization can stimulate foliar growth sometimes at the expense of flowering and fruit development. Hold off on fertilization now until spring. And when you do, instead of high nitrogen chemical fertilizer, use a slow release complete organic fertilizer for citrus.

If you are using the fruit, then you can harvest when ripe. If the tree is for ornamental purposes only, then you can leave the fruit on until it starts to discolor, shrivel and dry up.


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