Q.why is my brugmansia losing its leaves?
My plant is about 12 inches tall. It was doing really well when I first got it. But it has been losing its leaves. I am down to two leaves now, and its remaining leaves are turning light green, almost yellow. I keep the soil lightly, but thoroughly, moist. The main stem is still nice and green. I am debating about giving it some Miracle Gro and putting it outside. In a semi shady area till it “feels better”. Any suggestions before I end up losing my remaining leaves? 🙂 lol I love this plant. Hope you can help. Thanks for your time and your help. Thank you 🙂 Take care Be safe. Karen Dorich
Did you get this plant in the last few months? If so, it doesn't need fertilizer. Yellowing and dropping leaves often indicate soil too dry, but if you're sure the soil is damp down where the roots are, that's not the problem. Brugmansia are not really houseplants, so to keep them indoors you have to put them in a very sunny spot. Too little light could cause the leaves to fall off. But if it's getting plenty of light, there's one other possibility, and that's spider mites. Here are two articles, one on keeping brugmansia in containers, and one on spider mites.