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Q.Why Is My Bromeliad Leaning?

Zone 98272 | Anonymous added on July 2, 2023 | Answered

Not sure what kind of bromeliad I have but I checked with my plant specialist and it’s in the right pot. I appear to be doing everything correctly. It’s healthy and beautiful. It’s about 3’ tall at the center of the flower. It leans in different directions often. Not leaning so much that it’s concerning, just puzzling. It’s not a sunlight thing because I’ve been keeping track and it’s very random. Any thoughts?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 3, 2023

Turning it a quarter turn every week may ensure it is getting light on all sides. Light is usually what one hears regarding a moving plant. Humidity may play a part, too. I wonder if it could be related to when you fill the watering cup, as that will change the humidity level. Is there air movement in the room, such as from a fan or vent? Bromeliads are epiphytes and, in the wild, are attached to trees, branches, etc. They compete with other plants for moisture and nutrients, and probably "move" to absorb those from the air.




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