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Ornamental Grasses

Q.Why is my blue eyed grass not blossoming for 2 years

Zone Still River, MA | fred.publicmail@gmail.com added on August 30, 2017 | Answered

I had several blue eyed grass plants that bloomed in my zone 5/6 Massachusetts garden just fine. But I was having trouble keeping them free of crabgrass, so I moved the largest one to a 15″ pot in the spring 3 years ago. It made one blossom and then took over the pot with greenery. I brought it in covered for the next two winters, putting it out in the spring. It is lusciously green but has not blossomed in the last two years. What should I do differently? I am going to put it back in the ground next spring and try to fight off the crabgrass if I can’t find an answer. The photo is the current status of the plant(s).

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 30, 2017

Two things come to mind. 1. the more sun it gets, the more blooms you'll have. 2. if it is in rich potting soil or fertilized, the result is often lots of leafy growth but few flowers.

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