Q.Why hasn’t my echium flowered yet?
Hello & thank you in advance for any assistance you may be able to help me with. I have 2 healthy Echium’s that are looking quite good considering the string of frosts we have had in Central Victoria. My question is…. How long does it take for Echium plants to flower? I gave them a feed of slow release fertiliser today but wondering if I may have hindered it further ….. they are both in full sun, planted in sandy soil, never been trimmed or pruned, only get water that comes with rain fall, is not mulched or composted, until today – has never had any slow release fertiliser…… I read something about – they can take up to 4 years after planting before they flower…is this correct? I think mine have been in about 3 years…Many thanks for any help…Belle
Echium can act a biennials and may not bloom the first year they are planted.
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