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Wisteria Vines

Q.Why has my wisteria stopped smelling?

Zone Yorkshire, England, S81 8QD. | steve87.webster added on September 25, 2018 | Answered

We have a wisteria growing on a South East facing wall which has flowered profusely for the last 20 years. Until 3 years ago it also had a wonderful perfume which filled the garden. For the last 3 years, however, it has had no smell whatsoever, for no apparent reason. Any ideas? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 26, 2018

Flower fragrance, as well as color is related to adequate plant nutrition, especially micro-nutrients and trace elements. As the plant matures it may be using up nutrient reserves, and also leaching of nutrients occurs with rain and irrigation.
Consider hiring a soil analyst for soil testing and recommendations for mineral and biological amendments based on actual deficiencies found.
The next best thing is to find a complete organic fertilizer with a full range of micros. Kelp meal, volcanic and granite rock dust products and humic substances provice trace minerals.

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