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Q.Why Has My Osteospermum Deteriorated Since I Bought It?

Zone Essex UK | Anonymous added on August 2, 2024 | Answered

When I bought these in May they were full of blooms, I have planted them in a ceramic pot unsure if I’ve under or over watered them but 4 weeks later most of the flowers had gone! What other explanation can there be for why when I bought them they had a mass of flowers that gradually dwindled until now there are none at all. Some of the new buds seem to die before they even open! Has it got a disease? Can I do anything to fix this or should I throw them away?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 2, 2024

I'm wondering if the water is not draining out of the pots. It looks like you have a pot within a pot. Does the outer pot have drainage holes? If not, you need to remove the inner pot to water. Let it drain, then return the pot to the outer container. If it's not a draining issue, they likely are overwatered.

They need good drainage, full sun and you pinch off the faded blooms to encourage more buds. They bloom till late summer.

Here is how to care for them:


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