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Green Beans

Q.Why Doesn’t My Goji Berry Tree Produce Fruit?

Zone 4 | strandbe added on July 24, 2011 | Answered

It’s about four years old now (Zone 4) and is mostly in full sun. It gets a few blossoms (not a lot), but I’ve seen less than a dozen actual goji berries in all this time. Thanks for any help.

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Answered on July 27, 2011

Thank you for answering, but I'm still perplexed. The goji is near many other flowers/fruits/vegetables that need pollinating and are doing fine, the garden is organic (no pesticides at all), I prune the plant, and it's not dragging on the ground--and it's in almost-full sun.

Can you think of anything else at all?

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Answered on July 27, 2011

This may be a combination of lack of pollinators and goji plants need some pruning to encourage increased production. Consider adding plants that draw pollinators to your yard. Using pesticides will kill off the pollinators as well.

You remove the branches above the height that you wish to keep. You should maintain clearance from the ground up of about 15-inches. You can also identify any ineffective branches. These usually grow very fast, straight and smooth and will not be very productive, so if they aren’t essential to the overall look, they can simply be removed.

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