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Trumpet Vines

Q.Why does my trumpet vine not flower?

Zone Northville, Michigan 48168 | MarilynBertera added on August 8, 2018 | Answered

A couple years ago, I had to remove part of the “stem,” and it has not flowered since that time.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 11, 2018

Can you include a photo? Do you mean that you cut the entire plant down to the ground, or do you mean that you had to cut a branch off? If you had to cut the whole thing down, then this can put flowering off for several years.

If it was just a branch cut, then should not stop flowering. Did you cut the stem because it was dying, or rotting? If this is the case, then there could be a fungal infection. Cutting it off will stop the spread of that particular area, but it will not kill the infection.

A photo and a little more detail will help me to pinpoint the problem.

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