Q.Why does my orange tree present torn leaves? Or wrinkled? Or hole-y? HELP!
I’m very concerned to see that my orange tree presents several strange conditions on it’s leaves! I believe it to be sick, and sick of many, many things. The conditions themselves are illustrated by the pictures below.
The circumstances under which I’ve kept my plant are the following: It is placed under a window through which mild sun may enter towards mid-day and early afternoon. It is watered twice a week (I’m still calibrating the amount of water), and I have recently fertilized it with organic nitrogen capsules.
Please, help me save my orange tree!

It does not appear to be serious, but there are some signs of nutrient deficiency and insect pest activity.
Nitrogen is only one mineral nutrient among many that are required for good plant health and building of resistance to pests and diseases. I don't know what country you are in, but try to find a complete organcic fertilizer, formulated for citrus.
Citrus are subject to pest infestations and fungal infections; you should adopt a preventive program instead of waiting for an advanced condition to develop. Spray every two weeks with neem oil like this: