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Lawn Problems

Q.Why Does My Lawn Get So Much Thatch When We Pick Up Our Clippings Too.

Cindy Jo added on November 21, 2010 | Answered

I have read how great it is to leave grass clipping on the ground for soil nutrients. We pick up our grass clippings and still have too much thatch. What are we doing wrong?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 22, 2010

Thatch is actually not caused by lawn clippings. This is a common misbelief. It occurs when dead material builds up from the bottom of the lawn, rather than the top. Common causes of thatch are overwatering or overuse of high nitrogen fertilizer or mowing the blades to short.
I would recommend taking a look at how you are caring for your lawn. Is it possible that you are unintentionally doing one of these things?

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