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Monkshood Plants

Q.Why Does My Fall Blooming Monkshood Die Before It Blooms?

Zone USDA zone 6/Canada zone 7 | Weezielmq@gmail.com added on September 13, 2024 | Answered

Originally I had this under a pine tree. When the pine died I moved it over 20 feet to under my magnolia. Every year it returns but most shoots die off before bloom time

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 13, 2024

I do notice a few things, but these kinds of answers won't be straightforward, unfortunately. Likely, you will have to test the soil for multiple issues. I notice a potassium deficiency. I see yellowing leaf edges, starting with the bottom first. This could be due to a few factors. It could b an actual deficiency, or an excess of nitrogen. Both will prevent the plant from getting any potassium. You'll have to test this.

Another thing that could be happening is either a lack of, or an excess of water. This will prevent the plant from absorbing a range of nutrients. Usually, you can just feel down a few inches to confirm that it has dried out a little before watering again, if possible.

Now the scorch. This can happen if a portion of it is getting full sunlight. But it could be a bacterial or fungal infection, as well.

Fortunately, you can test for all of these. This will help:


Your local extension service will be helpful if you would like them to test for these issues.


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