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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.Why Does My Aloe Plant Not Thrive Outdoors?

Zone 28110 | brett added on July 2, 2020 | Answered

I live in NC and when I put my potted aloe plant outside in full sun its started to brown real quick about (4 days). It’s in well drained soil. Did I just shock it and I’m being to cautious?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 3, 2020

Any plant will have a hard time going from inside to out. Changing conditions instantly will put any plant into shock. You will have to acclimate it to outdoors, but they will do best when slightly shaded by other plants. Once the aloe starts to crowd, dramatically, it will withstand more sun.

Here are a couple of articles that will help:



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