Q.Why Does Bee’s Proboscis Get Stuck Inside My Aloha Mandevilla White Plant?
Hi, I found two dead honey bees inside a flower of my Aloha mandevilla plant. I thought nothing much of at first as I don’t use any pesticides in my Garden. I thought that they just died naturally and it happened to be inside these flowers. Unfortunately I just witnessed a bee fighting with another flower. It looked like she is stuck inside and cannot get out. I was puzzled. I carefully cut the flower off just to look inside what is happening. I could not believe my eyes. The bee’s tongue got stuck inside the pistil. I managed to free the bee, but now thinking of getting rid of the plant. Shall I? I am worried that these flowers are slowly killing bees in my garden.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I had not heard of this problem with mandevillas, but I have read that same thing happens with another plant, dogbane. I suggest removing the plant and replacing it with another flowering annual. Here are bee friendly plants: