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Mimosa Trees

Q.Why Do Some Sites Say That Silk Mimosas Are A Threat To Other Native Plants And Trees?

Zone 30311 | Anonymous added on June 9, 2021 | Answered

Are they really that bad? Some even discourage intentional planting. I think they’re beautiful!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2021

I think they are beautiful, too, and that is one of my fond memories of my grandmother's house when I was young. They are considered short lived, with weak wood and a bad habit of reseeding groves into disturbed areas where they shade out native species. There are a number of trees and shrubs that are considered a threat to native species. Another is the non-native burning bush, which I see everywhere. It is reseeded with help from birds eating the berries and is considered invasive.



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