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Four O’clock Flowers

Q.Why do large four o’clock plants keep falling forward

Zone West texas, dry climate | martina.barrett25 added on June 15, 2015 | Answered

Why do my large four o’clock plants keep falling forward to the ground? How do I help them stand up straight? The four o clocks have some heavy stalks and some thinner ones. They look all tangled up. They have bright pink flowers and large leaves. The stalks look as though they are too heavy to hold upright. I fed them, added garden soil and mulch. They are in a sunny spot and have returned many years. This year and last year they fell forward after standing up for several years.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 16, 2015

To keep them from flopping over you can give them a good pruning by mid June.
Here is a link about their care requirements.


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