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Lawn Problems

Q.Why Do I Have a Bumpy Lawn?

Zone I don't know | rosepepper added on May 1, 2013 | Answered

Our backyard was professionally landscaped two summers ago. It was smooth and beautiful. During the fall last year and into this year, our yard has become progressively bumpier. A friend told me we have grubs. Is that true? How do I get rid of these annoying bumps? Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2013

I'm glad to read you have those snake we got them to! Hit the head of the nail with that one!!

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Answered on May 1, 2013

If your "bumps" look like they are following a drunk snake underground, making tunnels, you have moles. There are various traps, repellants and poisons you can purchase. My cats love to catch moles. And, you can find plenty of homemade remedies online.

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