Q.Why Did My Mango Blooms Dry Up And Fall Off? Should I Spray The Tree With Potassium Nitrate?
I have a Mango tree that’s about eight years old grown from seed. Last spring it flowered and produced a dozen beautiful Mangos. The tree flowered again six weeks ago and was absolutely covered with blooms which dried up and feel off. The tree looks healthy, but it has been dry here in southeast Florida. What could have caused the blooms to fall of and should I spray potassium nitrate to encourage another bloom?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This could be due to a lack of humidity, but if the rest of the tree looks healthy, then I would suspect improper soil nutrient ratios.
Too much nitrogen and not enough phosphorus and potassium can cause this type of damage. Testing your soil for nutrient imbalances will give you a definitive answer.
Here is an article that will offer more insight into some diseases that could be causing your tree stress.